A power cycle on a target system Pi causes the loss of the loaded application

Symptom: If you load an application onto a →target system and switch the target system off and on again (i.e., you perform a power cycle), the application is not loaded on the target system any longer.

Cause: By default, the harddisk of the target system is synchronized with a delay after the application is loaded. The delay depends on the target system – e.g. up to 1 minute for a Revolution Pi.

Solution for these target systems, based on Linux →phyBOARD-Regor→phyBOARD-Wega→Raspberry Pi, →Revolution Pi and when using the platform LinuxX86:  Configure Neuron RTS max so that the harddisk of the target system is synchronized at once after the application is loaded. Perform the following steps:

  1. Terrminate Neuron RTS max that is running on the target system.

  2. Change to sub-directory PLC of the Neuron RTS max installation directory.

  3. Open file RTSIO.cfg in any text editor and search for the following line:

    Needed line
    #AddSymbol TCF.FileSystemSync Enabled
  4. Delete the comment character #.

  5. Save the changed file RTSIO.cfg.

  6. Restart Neuron RTS max on the target system.

Solution for other target systems: Make sure that there is a constant power supply of the target system for some time after the application has been loaded.